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Hard Drive Destruction?

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Responsible organizations realize there is no “free lunch” in IT recycling. Even alternatives like donation or employee purchase carry a very significant risk, because the liability for environmental hazards may fall back on the originating party with penalties applied against all involved parties. Partnering with an experienced electronics recycler like EPC, that is truly committed to proper procedures is the best and safest way to serve the public interest and protect your organization from state, federal and established International penalties.
Ready to start? Contact us to get a quote by clicking the button below. 5 minutes is all it takes!

Logistics management is critical aspect of IT disposal. Many IT asset recovery firms lack the expertise to choose the right strategy or carrier for an individual project. Others approach logistics with a “one size fits all” philosophy by bundling shipping costs in with the recycling cost they quote the customer. This often results in the customer paying way too much for IT disposal services.

Reuse is recognized as the friendliest form of recycling.
Many IT assets have a residual market value subsequent to their use within your place of business. Once corporate and customer data is sufficiently removed with verification, why not allow EPC, Inc. to maximize any remaining value your no longer serviceable IT equipment might hold? Reuse is recognized as the friendliest form of recycling – too often we take the terminology to mean the tearing down of a product to raw feed stock for reuse in new product.

Holds companies to higher environmental standards
when it comes to electronic recycling and the export of recyclable materials.

Allows EPC to install a legal, verified Windows operating system, ensuring a strong, positive chain of custody when it comes to refurbished systems and returning them back to service.

Initiates unannounced, blind audits of EPC’s certified facilities, and sets the industry standard for Data Destruction.

Industry-leading, data erasure software utility that confirms
data sanitization compliant to NIST standards.

EPC is willfully compliant with environmental and workplace standards surrounding our services.

What we have been up to…

Mobile Repair: Not Just Phones and Tablets
EPC, Inc.
\n3941 Harry S Truman
\nSt. Charles, MO 63301<\/p>\n";
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